Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadan and other random shizz

 So I havn't exactly been feeling well, since I came back, a mild stomach flu. Ramadan Mubarak to my Muslim readers. I'll continue travel posts later. I can't fast if you guys know what I mean,.which gives me time to recover. By the way do you have to fast if you've got a severe, fever, cold, cough or something like. Fasting for me has only been fard for a very short time noe, because of my age. I never really had gotten sick during ramadan. Granted a few colds. Nothing I couldn't bear. Just wondering.
So regristration for sophomore year was today. I got to see all my friends, get my books, take the school pictures blah blah. All while wearing a Dolce & Gabana headscarve I picked up at Dubai. They had a lot of designer scarves for less, so I picked up a few ( A LOT).
At the moment I have an obsessioon with childhood movies. Especially disney princess movies. I have no idea why. I miss my old home, from like 3 years back, because it was small and cozy. Not that I don't LOVe this new house. But it seems so big. I don't know I'm just wishing that it would be like winter and it would snow and there would be like a fireplace. My old home had that feeling. You guys are going to laugh at me but my old home was demolished and remodeled into this current one. No change in location or wheather. It just felt more cozier. I suddenly miss my childhood fir some reason too. It feels like everything is material and big and so uggg. I need simple-ness in my life and I have no idea how to achive it. So I got my eid clothes in Bangladesh and a pair of matching heels. I decided to give up wearing heels over 3 inches for awhile. I think it might come off as trashy gocven my age. Last year for eid i wore this pair of 4 1/2 inch heels that were AH-DOR-ABLE I'm not exactly that short compared with other Bengalis, so someone ( grrr0 asked my mom your daughter is so tall how are you going to find her a husband as tall as her. For the record I"m like 5' 3" and 1/2. People here for some reason are really short. Most don't even make it to 5'.


Jaz said...

Hope you feel better soon! 5'3" isn't tall but I would feel tall if I was since I'm only about 5ft!

happy ramadan :)

fashion memoirs said...

@ Thanks yeah i just suddenly missed my childhood. exactly what I mean with the height.

AlabasterMuslim said...

I just have to say....
Don't use Jizz as a non cussword because lol you'll be surprised at what it actually means. lol. Check it out. And I'm only telling you this so you don't go around saying it too lol.

fashion memoirs said...

ooo dear ill fix it rite away.

Aisha said...

welcome back!!!! =D

I actually read your posts as you posted them but must not have commented when i thought i had for some reason =S

Anyhoo hope ur feeling better now and settling into ruza well! x

A.B said...

lol..i missed the first few days of fasting for that same reason only 5'4 and considered tall by my family. i guess most brown
girls aren't that tall. hope your trip went well. Ramadan Mubarak